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CIYHOG Web Designer was founded in 2022 with a mission to provide affordable and quality web design solutions. Within that time frame, we have completed over 5 projects and served more than 7 clients.

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As the founder of CIYHOG Web Designer, Emmanuel Neye brings over 7 years of experience in web design and a passion for delivering top-notch solutions to clients. With a background in Mathematics and proficiency in various web development tools and platforms such as WordPress, WIX, and Python, Emmanuel combines technical expertise with a commitment to excellence in every client interaction. Emmanuel’s journey in web design began as a volunteer updating his church’s website, eventually leading to the founding of CIYHOG in 2022. He is dedicated to collaborating closely with clients to understand their vision and goals, translating them into captivating and functional websites that exceed expectations.

Web Design - Inspirations


Emmanuel’s inspiration to start CIYHOG Web Designer stems from a desire to empower businesses and individuals with affordable web design solutions. Seeing the need for responsive and high-quality websites among friends, family, and local businesses, Emmanuel sought to fill this gap by providing accessible web design services without compromising on quality.

Core Values

At CIYHOG Web Designer, we uphold honesty, transparency, and respect in all our interactions with clients and partners. In addition to these, our commitment to affordability sets us apart from other web design firms.

Web Design - Core Values
CIYHOG Web Designer - Client Satisfaction

What Sets Us Apart?

We prioritize client collaboration, attention to detail, innovative solutions, timely delivery, and client satisfaction. Client testimonials speak to our dedication to providing exceptional service and results.

Future Growth

We are continuously looking ahead to the future and exploring new opportunities for growth and expansion. While we are currently focused on providing top-notch web design services, we are excited about the potential to explore additional avenues in the future.

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Web Design - Innovation

Staying Innovative

To stay ahead of industry trends, we prioritize continuous learning, research, networking, and above all, prioritizing our clients’ needs, goals, and challenges.

Ready to Build? Let's Design Your Website!

Take the first step towards your online presence. Our expert team is ready to turn your vision into reality. Contact us today for a personalized quote and let’s bring your website to life.

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